The scope of the project:
The project was included four deep wells, two of them located in the vicinity of Water Treatment Plant #3 and installation of 12,000m of water distribution piping included all indicated valves, tees, bends, hydrants, service connections and other related appurtenances were carried out at the area. And also expansion of the Bagram Wastewater Treatment plant was included in the scope of the project.
Installation of 6,000m of gravity sanitary sewer collection pipes and 2,200 of sanitary force main pipes including manholes and service connections were executed at the Eastside area. In addition to the sewer piping, three sanitary sewer lift stations were installed and 3 utility bridges were constructed due to the elevation differences. WWTP expansion has concrete equalization and aeration tanks, Retaining Wall, WWTP Control Building, Headworks unit, and etc.
The Westside utility connections including the connection of thirteen (13) existing facilities to the base utility (water and sewer) network followed (Westside) Wells. The connections of facilities started from the WTP#1 through Facility #1 and completed from the other end with Facility #6A. Additional site work, demolition, electrical service and etc. have been performed during the construction works.
Key Project Quantities:
- Waste Water Treatment Plant with a capacity of 15,000 cbm/day
- 12,000m of water distribution piping
- 6,000m of gravity sanitary sewer collection piping and 2,200 of sanitary force main piping
- 4 wells & 3 utility bridges
- The utility connections of thirteen (13) existing facilities to the base utility
- 10,000 sqm asphalt access roads with utilities
- 1,500,000 safe men-hours with no lost time incident