Among the top notch US Government International contractors, operational in 14 countries

Our Company’s overall objective is to integrate our exceptional corporate construction and logistical talents combined with our outstanding track record of success to complete tasks on time and within budget. Our team provides project experience, extensive resources, capability to cope with the extraordinary conditions and risks, creative solutions to unforeseen problems, and an outstanding site management staff with extensive experience.

Adana Sheraton

Adana Sheraton has been awarded to Best Hotel Architecture in International Property Awards 2013- 2014. The architect has received the award following the Gala that took place in London Grosvenor House Hotel on 3rd November 2013.

Saray HEPP

Our environmental approach is justified by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Saray HEPP Project as the Renewable Energy of the Year.

7 Million Safe Man-Hours

Our Company has recorded more than 7,000,000 safe man-hours with no lost time incidents. Ourdedication to health and safety practives are highly recognized by the US Agenices and duly certified.